Thursday, July 9, 2015

Off Topic! My Madeline had surgery!

My 10 year old rescue pup, Madeline had to have a large tumor removed from above her eye.  This tumor was in the soft tissue and not attached to her eye.  It was causing her to have chronic eye infections so we opted to have the tumor removed.  Our first costs for this surgery was to the vet to have complete lab work done:  $130.00.  Next, we scheduled her surgery for July 2, 2015.  I dropped her off in the morning at 7:30 a.m., signed paperwork and left her looking like this .....

She does not have any other disease and what you see in her eye is the infection AFTER all kind of antibiotics and sauve for weeks!  That is why we opted to go the surgery route.  So about 3:30 p.m. we picked her up from the vet.  The vet told us that the little lump (as pictured above) was actually a tumor slightly larger than a golf ball!  Everyone was shocked by the size.  It left quite a pocket once removed and it had quite a good blood supply to it as well.  Of course, they cauterized the blood supply to stop the bleeding, but there was still massive amounts of blood that pooled to that area.  As a result, they had to leave a small slit in her stitched area to relieve the pressure of the accumulating blood which would need to be cleaned periodically.  Well, we did not know THAT part when we picked her up Thursday.  By Monday, the eye was bleeding quite much and we were really freaking out about it.  If your pet has such a surgery, please ask lots of questions regarding the care of the wound and what to expect.  If you fail to ask and have stumbled on this page searching for answers.... we took a clean paper towel, gently lay it over the eye area and apply a small amount of pressure with the palm of your hand and release the blood (pressure) onto the paper towel, fold reuse as necessary.  What you will see is blood, small clots....this is all normal, but the blood has no where to go so it is important that you do this step to keep your pet comfortable during the healing process.  The amount of blood will decrease as time goes on and your pet continues to heal.  

Anyhow, this was Madeline post surgery .... 

The last picture you see is exactly one week after surgery.  The others were taken a few days in.  When she first had her surgery it was so bad people believed she had her eye removed.  Lots of swelling, redness, dried blood....just a hot mess.  She has been taking two antibiotics every day and antibiotic cream for her eye AND wound twice daily as well.

She still has to sleep with her E-collar and will have to until her staples are removed.  She goes back in one more week to have her staples removed.  So they have to stay in for two full weeks.  Until then, she cannot be left alone without wearing her E-collar.  She doesn't mind too much.  She can drink and even eat with it on, but I usually take it off so it's not such a struggle for her.

Anyhow, if this helps you great!  If not, well, now you know a little more about my Madeline!  

This girl is kind of high maintenance....always something.... we have a sprained foot above which she recovered from a long time ago...years ago, but we have to keep an eye on it to make sure she takes it easy.  We could have it fixed surgically, but there are no guarantees even with surgery that it would be any different than it is now.  It works for her so it works for us as well!  <3